• Real Techniques 400 Blush Brush
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Real Techniques 400 Blush Brush United States

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Real Techniques 400 Blush Brush is a synthetic bristle brush that evenly distributes and blends your favorite bronzer and blush.

Product Description

Real Techniques 400 Blush Brush is a cruelty-free brush with ultra-plush bristles that seamlessly blend both powder blushes and bronzers. With custom-cut tapered bristles, the brush is extremely soft and easy to use. Any makeup look is complete without a touch of blush and bronzer! Use this soft, fluffy brush to apply and seamlessly blend your favorite blush color. With a unique shape, this brush does all the blending work for you. The bristles distribute the product evenly onto your cheeks, for a natural and flattering result.


  • Good for: applying and blending powder bronzer as well as blush;
  • Presentation: pink handle with custom-cut synthetic bristles.

How to use

Use the Real Techniques 400 Blush Brush to apply your favorite bronzer as well as the blush after applying the foundation and/or setting powder. Then, blend the product with circular or patting motions.