  • It'S Skin The Fresh Avocado Mask Sheet Set
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It'S Skin The Fresh Avocado Mask Sheet Set United Kingdom

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It'S Skin The Fresh Avocado Mask Sheet Set blends more than 25 vitamins with amino acids for a soothing treatment that plumps as well as nourishes dry skin!

Product Description

This gift set contains the following products:

  • It'S Skin The Fresh High Nutrition Mask Sheet Avocado x5

It'S Skin The Fresh High Nutrition Mask Sheet Avocado features amino acids as well as over 25 vitamins for impactful nourishing results. In fact, this blend provides a reliable moisturizing effect for very dry skin types. Specifically designed with a multi-porous air layer, each mask is soaked with a serum to deliver optimal results. At the same time, fresh as well as natural ingredients like Carrageenan, Avocado, or Pomegranate Extract protect the most vulnerable complexions. All in all, these enhance the skin's natural moisture barrier, keeping damaging free radicals away. Finally, make sure to pamper your face twice a week to ensure lasting improvements, plumping as well as introducing unprecedented softness!