  • essence Duo Sharpener
  • essence Duo Sharpener
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essence Duo Sharpener Philippines

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essence Duo Sharpener can sharpen several pencil-shaped products as it has two holes with different sizes. This way you can use your makeup products to their maximum potential and performance.

Product Description

essence Duo Sharpener is essential in any makeup kit since it sharpens any type of pencil-shaped eyeliner and lipliner. In order to obtain the best possible result in your makeup, it is advisable to always have your products sharp. That way you can always have precise products with better performance at hand. Furthermore, this sharpener is light, small and is ideal for you to take it with you anywhere. In addition, it contains a plus since it has two sharpeners of different sizes. This way, you can sharpen any product regardless of the size of its tip. All in all, this product can provide you with sharp tips instantly without much effort. All your now sharpened makeup will gain new potential and your look will be more flawless than ever!


  • Good for: sharpens any pencil-shaped product so that it gets a precise tip;
  • Presentation: sharpener with two holes for different sizes of pencil-shaped products.

How to use

Use essence Duo Sharpener by first choosing the ideal hole size to sharpen your product. Then rotate it until it has a sharp and precise tip.

Manufacturer Information

Cosnova - Frankfurt (D-65843) - Germany