Davidoff Cool Water After Shave is a scented after-shave that soothes and calms the skin while delivering a marine fragrance.
Davidoff Cool Water After Shave is a fragrant after-shave that soothes the skin while delivering the fragrance of Davidoff Cool Water. This after-shave splash calms the skin post-shave, leaving the skin feeling fresh as well as nourished and replenished with comfort. Besides cooling the skin after shaving, this splash - infused with the aromatic aquatic notes of the matching perfume - leaves the skin lightly fragrant. The scent contritbutes to enhance the intensity of the matching perfume, or alternatively, to elevate the freshness of your perfumes. An uplifting scent and a refreshing texture that grants an exceptional experience!
Apply Davidoff Cool Water After Shave onto the palm of your hands and then distribute it onto the skin of the face and neck.