  • Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Baby Bottle Cleaning Brushes x4
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Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Baby Bottle Cleaning Brushes x4 Italy

8,66 €
9,62 €
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Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Baby Bottle Cleaning Brushes x4 consists of a kit made up of four small brushes with enormous cleaning power. Its small size allows the proper cleaning of baby utensil parts in a practical and effective way.

Product Description

Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Baby Bottle Cleaning Brushes x4 consists of a pack of four small brushes with great cleaning power, perfect for baby utensils. More specifically, each of these BPA-free brushes has soft and malleable bristles capable of removing the smallest residues of dirt, particularly in hard-to-reach areas. In this sense, its reduced size really allows cleaning, for example, baby bottles, straw cup parts, small breast milk pump handles, or any utensil such as screws or lids. That said, this utensil becomes a perfect multipurpose ally for any cleaning occasion.


  • Good for: washing and cleaning small utensils or parts of them that are difficult to access;
  • Presentation: pack of four small size BPA-free brushes.

How to use

Use Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Baby Bottle Cleaning Brushes x4 with water and a little soap suitable for baby utensils to wash hard-to-reach parts.