  • Medela Slow Flow Bottle BPA-Free Latex Nipple Small Size x2
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Medela Slow Flow Bottle BPA-Free Latex Nipple Small Size x2 France

6,80 €
7,55 €
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Medela Slow Flow Bottle BPA-Free Latex Nipple Small Size x2 guarantees adequate nutrition for newborns through adapted teats. In addition to allowing a low and controlled flow of milk, they also adapt perfectly to the little ones' mouths.

Product Description

Medela Slow Flow Bottle BPA-Free Latex Nipple Small Size x2 is a perfect teat for feeding babies from zero to three months of age. In this sense, this product is made of soft and smooth BPA-free latex suitable for newborns. Furthermore, this teat allows for a low age-appropriate breast milk flow. Thus, the baby can easily adapt to breastfeeding while being fed safely, correctly, and comfortably. In turn, this shape adapts perfectly to the newborn's mouth so that they don't find it strange when they suckle from their mother's breasts. In short, these teats guarantee adequate nutrition for newborns. For better baby nutrition, these teats are specially designed for use with the Medela Baby Bottle with Slow Flow Nipple.


  • Ideal for: feeding newborns;
  • Special features: allows a low flow of food according to the baby's age;
  • Materials: BPA-free latex;
  • Age: 0 to 3 months;
  • Includes: three low-flow teats.

How to use

Before using Medela Slow Flow Bottle BPA-Free Latex Nipple Small Size x2, wash your hands thoroughly. Then, just apply the teats to the bottles before using them.

Manufacturer Information

Medela AG - 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland