Help Center

We appreciate that you buy at our store and want to support you through your purchase experience.

Help Center

We appreciate that you buy at our store and want to support you through your purchase experience.
Responsibility and Commitment With Customers

Please note our high level of responsibility and commitment to our customers

We are responsible for your order until its delivery. If you don't receive your order we either ship it again or refund it.

If for any reason a delay makes your purchase pointless, we can refund the customer taking into account our refund policy:

  1. We accept requests for refunds before the delivery attempt if the customer refuses to receive the order. Right after the return starts (clearly mentioned on tracking), we refund the customer.

  2. By standard mail and with no delivery attempt made in the period of 2 months (1 month within the EU) after exceeding the maximum estimated delivery date provided, we may assume that the order is lost and we proceed with the refund.

For deliveries with no tracking, if the destination postal services company informs the recipient that the order is lost, we offer a reshipping or a refund of the total amount of the order to the customer.