• NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream Trio
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NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream Trio Danmark

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NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream Trio tilbyder tre rigt pigmenterede, langtidsholdbare læbefarver med en glat, pisket konsistens, der giver en behagelig, mat finish.

Beskrivelse af produktet

This promotional pack contains the following products:

  • NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream Cherry Crème x1
  • NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream Memory Foam x1
  • NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream Onesie Funsie x1

NYX Pro Makeup Smooth Whip Matte Lip Cream is an incredible lip product that delivers amazing results with an equally amazing formula. To begin with, this product has a creamy texture for a smooth application, gliding easily on the lips. In addition, the applicator of this lip cream is fluffy, curved, and flexible to hug your lips with its soft bristles and with the smooth texture of this product. Like so, it applies like liquid lipstick but offers the comfort of a cream one. Equally important, it offers full coverage and delivers a matte finish. Yet, it feels comfortable on the lips all day long thanks to its caring formula. That said, this formula is infused with slow-whipped Shea and Cocoa butters that offer nourishing Benefits.With a smooth texture and smooth color, this lipstick delivers a vibrant matte finish that feels comfortable throughout the day. Even more, you can add as many layers as you wish to build up its intensity. Like so, this product always guarantees an amazing result, perfect for any occasion whether for day-to-day looks or for a special occasion. As a last note, this product has a vegan formula. All in all, this lip cream delivers a lip-smacking smooth matte result to achieve a spectacular, vibrant look and let your lips be the center of attention.


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Oplysninger fra producenten

NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP 41, rue Martre 92110 CLICHY France corpes.servicioconsumidor@loreal.com apoio.consumidor.pt@loreal.com