• Codex Labs Bia Soap Duo Kit
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Codex Labs Bia Soap Duo Kit Danmark

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I Codex Beauty Bia Soap Duo Kit finder du to koldpRoCessede sæbestykker til en unik og plejende bruseoplevelse.

Beskrivelse af produktet

This promotional pack contains the following products:

  • Codex Beauty Bia Balancing Soap 120g
  • Codex Beauty Bia Unscented Soap 120g

Codex Beauty Bia Balancing Soap resorts to the purifying properties of FRENch Green Clay to eliminate both impurities and dead skin cells during the shower. With a pleasant herbal scent, this unique cold-pRoCessed soap is perfect to enjoy a balancing and soothing action. While it focuses on deeply cleansing the skin, the Bia Balancing Soap equally reduces irritation and improves levels of firmness. Read more about Codex Beauty Bia Balancing Soap here.

Codex Beauty Bia Unscented Soap is a gentle cleansing solution that nourishes and repairs even sensitive skin. As it happens, this fragrance-free composition is suitable to clean all skin types without causing irritation. On the contrary, by resorting to a blend of ultra-nourishing ingredients, the Bia Unscented Soap actually increases levels of suppleness and resilience. Read more about Codex Beauty Bia Unscented Soap here.